Scialatielli clams and pumpkin flowers

The “Casereccia” restaurant-pizzeria located in the municipality of Forio is a classic example of the perfect combination of cuisine between land and sea; the recipe to follow, not surprisingly, is a proof. Recognized as one of the best representatives of the Forian cuisine, the kindness and helpfulness of the staff headed by Mr. Giuseppe will welcome you and will make you feel at home. The restaurant has many amenities, such as ample parking inside and wide open spaces where you can spend a pleasant evening.

scialatielli vongole
+ Scialatielli
+ clams
+ zucchini flowers
+ white wine
+ olive oil
+ garlic
+ parsley


Cook the pasta. Fry oil and garlic in a pan and add the zucchini flowers. After a while, add the clams, a bit of parsley and sprinkle with a good white wine. When the pasta is cooked, add to mixture and stir-fry. Serve and garnish with a few leaves of parsley and a few flowers of fresh pumpkin.


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