Gynecological diseas

Aromatic fish fillet (raw material according to availability of the day)

In the most beautiful and suggestive zone to the North-West of the splendid island of Ischia. With terrace overlooking the sea from where the view fades into the bay of San Francesco and, to the left, into the historic and particular country of Forio with its port, Torrione.


Piatto del mese

 Aromatic fish fillet (raw material according to availability of the day).
The chef dares, enjoys himself and makes the diner participate with whims and vices that can undergo small variations on the theme. The fish is quickly marinated with extra virgin olive oil, citrus peel and chives. Hot grill for a few minutes, just long enough to make a thin outer crust that leaves the inside of the fillet soft. Served with lemon pepper, croutons and braised escarole with garlic, capers and olives. The accompanying sauce is based on homemade yogurt. Tasty, dense and flavored with grace and fresh herbs.
Value Very particular, ancestral architecture, with a wonderful terrace, carved out of a rock of green tuff. All projected to the north-west, directly on the beauties of Forio. And in addition, there is the sunset that is always redder, a must-see. The service in the dining room is attentive, with sympathy and familiarity we take care of the customers who return over the years, pampered by a kitchen that experiments and never disappoints. Mediterranean flavors all over, fun dishes although of great Neapolitan tradition, you can breathe the grace and the strong personality of the hosts. Il Fortino is a reconciling oasis, an experience not to be missed.




Menù à la carte

20 € / 60 € - open every day - 12:00 - 15:30/ 19:30 - 01:00

Discover Il Fortino


See all the pictures of the typical dishes and recipes of the island of Ischia

Bocconcini di mozzarella in foglia di limone
Coniglio in rotolo aromatico
Filetto di maiale in salsa di mele
Insalata di frutta
Insalata di melanzane e peperoni
Insalata di peperoni
Insalata di riso
Maiale e patate al forno
Melanzane sott'olio
Nastri mari e monti
Palline di spinaci
Patate imbottite
Pennette alla Caprese
Pomodoro e mozzarella
Uovo alla coque
Alici marinate
Bucatini al sugo di coniglio
Coniglio all'ischitana
Gelato al vino rosso
Zucchine a scapece
Pasta e patate con le cozze
Calamaro imbottito
Fiori di zucca ripieni
Zuppa di spollichini
Paccheri con la ricotta
Pollo e salsicce al forno con le patate
Il casatiello intortanato di Alessandra
La pastiera di nonna Orsolina
Pasta e fave
Il Coniglio di Teresa
Salame di coniglio
Guarda tutte le foto dei Piatti tipici e ricette dell'isola d'Ischia