Historical notes

The island of Ischia has a very ancient story. The first evidences of residential areas on the island can be found in the area of Lacco Ameno, where in the mid-eighth century BC a Greek colony put their roots.
The characteristics of the sites responded in full to the logic and requirements of a human settlement.

The promontory of Monte Vico, on three sides overlooking the sea, became the acropolis, the two bays “under Varuli” and "San Montano" respectively from the commercial port and functioned as a shelter for vessels in case of attack from the land; the plain of Santa Restituta allowed the productive activity of the small village, also located at Arbusto, Mezzavia and Mazzola, and finally the valley of San Montano received the necropolis. It had to be a colony of some importance, judging from the richness of the finds. At Monte Vico there are traces of Hellenic walls, temple blocks, remains of walls and dry kilns, ceramics, metals, various fragments, indicating an intense commercial activity.
Phitecusa was certainly founded by the Greeks and specifically by the Eubei, but it was also frequented by different populations, as demonstrated by the many objects found, not only of Greek workmanship. According to many scholars, the citadel of Phitecusa was a sort of free port used for trade from the eastern markets, by artisans from Syria, Egypt, Apulia, Calabria.


  • Dall'Ottocento a oggi

  • Dal Rinascimento al Settecento

  • Dai Romani al Medioevo

  • Dalle origini al I sec a.C.

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  • Indirizzo P.zza Trieste e Trento, 9
  • Telefono +(39) 0813334747
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Info on Ischia island

  • Surface: 46 Kmq
  • Hight: 789 mt
  • Lat.: 40° 44',82 N
  • Long.: 13° 56',58 E
  • Periplus: 18 miglia
  • Coasts: 51.2 Km
  • Cities: 6
  • Inhabitants: 58.029


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