National theater festival ænaria award

Premio Aenaria 2017

The National Theater Festival Ænaria Award is the event designed and organized by the Association Amici del Teatro and sponsored by the City of Ischia, this year in its fourth edition. The Ænaria Award owes its name to the ancient underwater town in the waters in front of the Aragonese Castle. Its goal is to display the full range of its talent. Abilities hidden under water. Disclosing the attitudes of theater actors as the inhabitants of the ancient city of Ænaria. But the goal is to bring Island of Ischia to life as a destination also for winter tourism, tied to art and culture, to the charm of the Prize, to the beauties that our land offers even in the low season.

The Ænaria Award is held from September 30 to  December 2. This year the billboard has a thread that is man, his neuroses and his dissatisfaction. Guests on the island will be some of the most innovative companies for 14 shows coming from all over Italy, including the islands. The fixed event on Saturday this year will also be accompanied by a Sunday out-of-competition show. The festival will end on Saturday  December 2, 2017 with the awards ceremony. The Aenaria Award believes in a theater that has to say about the evils of contemporary society, about the inability of man to relate to it. A theater of discontent. So in “Xanax” that stages frustrations, in “Il banco di Napoli, Storia di calcio e rapine”, shows all the limits of a passion that becomes an existential condition, and then “un angelo viene a Babilonia” with the emphasis on man's challenge to divinity, a comparison that will see him loser. But man is also and above all a young man, and his dissatisfaction is in the “Foglie d’erba”, as well as the lack of self-acceptance and depression, is spoken in comedy “4: 48”. Man’s dissatisfaction is perhaps a shelter in devious and archaic mentalities until the most atrocious crimes, this is the theme of “Sono le storie che faranno ancora paura ai mafiosi”. But man also struggles to relate to the glittered and sparkling world of television where the deepest emotions of the human being are bare, we talk about it in “Il gioco delle parti”, and so “Shake N'speare - Hamlet 2.0” concerns the possibility or the impossibility of being happy. The bill closes with “Troilo e Cressida, storia di eroi e di buffoni” reflecting on the theme of war and love.
There are companies from all over Italy, each with their own experiences, which the organization will try to highlight in order to enhance the peculiarities of each one. It is an opportunity for growth and comparison for workmen, carefree and cheerful for the public, leisure and entertainment for tourists.
The Ænaria Award is a new and ancient prize. It is born of the strength and tenacity of the ancient population of the submerged city, peasants and craftsmen who continued to work until the last minute in that land ravaged by eruptions and earthquakes. It is an important prize, and will be awarded to the theater company that will show how much love and how much effort costs to offer the audience a wonderful show. Like the island of Ischia, like Ænaria.

Tandem_ € 50,00 (valid only for two people)
Single_ € 30,00
Single ticket show € 10,00

Info and reservations
3477569844 – 3423763354

Point of sale
Box Office Teatro Polifunzionale 081984831