english - Spring Sun, 02 Jun 2024 14:37:49 +0200 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management en-gb The legend of St. Vito

san-vito-patronoThe Feast of St. Vito, the patron saint of Forio as a beautiful pearl in a month, June, speaking of sun, heat and intense colors given to us by nature.
Bishop Giuseppe Regine is pastor of St. Vito for 45 years (the seal signed by Bishop Dino Tommassini is dated October 10, 1969 while the taking of canonical possession took place on October 26th of the same year), and there he spend all day, intent on praying, reading Catholic newspapers, listening to his people, in the administration of the Sacrament of Confession, caring the temple dedicated to the Patron Saint.

]]> (Maria Mattera) Spring in Ischia Thu, 12 Jun 2014 16:10:15 +0200
In Forio the hidden beauty of the feast of San Vito

san-vito-patronoThe Feast of St. Vito, the patron saint of Forio as a beautiful pearl in a month, June, speaking of sun, heat and intense colors given to us by nature.
Bishop Giuseppe Regine is pastor of St. Vito for 45 years (the seal signed by Bishop Dino Tommassini is dated October 10, 1969 while the taking of canonical possession took place on October 26th of the same year), and there he spend all day, intent on praying, reading Catholic newspapers, listening to his people, in the administration of the Sacrament of Confession, caring the temple dedicated to the Patron Saint.

]]> (Maria Mattera) Spring in Ischia Thu, 12 Jun 2014 16:10:15 +0200
Restituta, come from the sea

santa-restitutaBack in May and with it come back on our beautiful island intense scents and magical evenings to live together. Back above all the magic and charm of the Feast of Santa Restituta, Patroness of the Diocese of Lacco Ameno of Ischia and it will be like every year where many people will crowd the town of Lacco in these days in honor of the Saint by every part of the island.

]]> (Maria Mattera) Spring in Ischia Fri, 10 Apr 2015 09:58:00 +0200
The irresistible charm of Poseidon Gardens

giardini poseidon

Much more than a garden, it is a botanical and landscape oasis, animated by blue reflections of its pools, by the landscapes and microclimate corners unique and unrepeatable. A special place that has enchanted excellent visitors and continues to do so. The list is transformed into a gallery of honor, high-sounding famous names, beautiful and amazing as the colors, the lights, the warmth, and the nuances of habitat: belonging to Gianni Agnelli and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger; Carla Fracci and Mika Hakkinen, the Formula 1 champion; Italo-German storyteller myths of Boninsegna, Beckenbauer, Breitner and Vogts.

]]> (Claudio Assante di Cupillo) Spring in Ischia Fri, 25 Sep 2015 10:15:27 +0200
The Giardini la Mortella give new impetus to the island of Ischia

mortella arte

On the volcanic island of Ischia, in the Gulf of Naples, the Giardini la Mortella amaze with the exuberance of its tropical vegetation. At the end of the Second World War, Sir William Walton, COMPOSER, moved with his wife Susana to what is still a stone quarry. Lady Walton then composed a singular and changing garden with the English landscape architect Russell Page.

]]> (Rosalinda Di Meglio) Spring in Ischia Fri, 16 Mar 2018 17:46:13 +0100
Ipomea of Negombo and a new sensitivity

ipomea-negombo 33There is a renewed experience of the body: no longer facing the pure image but the quality of life, of things, of history, of memory. It involves a new way of relating to the world.

]]> (Claudio Assante di Cupillo) Spring in Ischia Fri, 15 May 2015 09:15:00 +0200
The botanical Ravino Garden, in search of that path of Eden



«One more year for the Botanical Giardino Ravino becoming path beyond space and time to the Divine research»

]]> (Milena Barbieri) Spring in Ischia Fri, 14 Apr 2017 10:04:00 +0200
La Filosofia, Il Castello e la Torre

phoca thumb l castello aragonese 11

La Filosofia, Il Castello e la Torre - Ischia and Naples International Festival of Philosophy,
Summer School of Humanities and Young Thinkers Festival 2021

VII Edition 19-26 September 2021

The Association InSophia, in collaboration with the City of Ischia, the CRF – International Centre for Philosophical Research, the University of Toronto Mississauga (Visual Studies Department), and with the patronage of the City of Naples, the Circle “G. Sadoul”, the Italian Institute for Philosophical Studies

]]> (Associazione Culturale InSophia) Spring in Ischia Wed, 07 Apr 2021 14:57:23 +0200
Restituta or of the five churches


The story of Restituta from Africa, the Christian martyr of the third century AD who is the Patron Saint of the island of Ischia from time immemorial, is shrouded in legend or in the miracle of Fait.
Restituta was a girl of Bizerte, a city in the today’s Tunisia and converted to Catholicism suffering the persecution of Emperor Diocletian till martyrdom.

]]> (Maria Mattera) Spring in Ischia Fri, 17 May 2013 09:51:00 +0200
Restituta, the spark of love

phoca thumb l santa restituta cerammica

The "Restituta, the spark of love" program is back, scheduled for the days from 8 to 18 of May, on the occasion of the celebrations in honor of Santa Restituta, patroness of the diocese of the island of Ischia and Lacco Ameno.

]]> (Associazione Culturale InSophia) Spring in Ischia Thu, 06 May 2021 09:57:00 +0200
And a girl came from the sea

santa-restituta-dipintoMay is back and once again the long-awaited appointment with the solemn celebrations in honor of Santa Restituta in Lacco Ameno, mark the beginning of summer. And that’s the time when the faith of the community of Lacco and Ischia explodes into a carousel of colors, sounds and smells, but especially in a religious fervor that will bring thousands of tourists and residents to visit the Holy Patroness of the Diocese of Ischia.

]]> (Massimo) Spring in Ischia Tue, 15 May 2012 14:52:25 +0200